Research Enquiry Form

Supervisor Details



[email protected]


Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute

Area of Research

Currently Guiding in the following Topics

  1. The role of endometrial and sub-endometrial blood flow measured by power doppler ultrasound in the prediction of ART cycle outcome
  2. standardization of in vitro culture of human ovarian cells
  3. Cysteine-rich secretory protein 1 – A potential biomarker in seminal plasma for the distinction between obstructive and nonobstructive azoospermia
  4. Comparison of cell free DNA from spent culture medium and trophectoderm biopsy in assessing PGT-A
  5. MicroRNA as a predictive biomarkers for male infertility
  6. Effect of raised serum progesterone level on the day of ovulation trigger on the histology, immunohistochemistry as well as micro RNA expression in endometrium in stimulated cycles

Enquirer Details