Research Enquiry Form

Supervisor Details



[email protected]


Sri Ramachandra Faculty of Nursing

Area of Research

Currently Guiding in the following Topics

  1. Title “Efficacy of nurse led interventions on nutritional status and quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer - A randomized controlled trial
  2. Efficacy of mHealth yoga intervention on salivary cortisol, cardiovascular risk factors and stress in women with type 2 diabetes: A randomized controlled trial
  3. Efficacy of comprehensive nurse led interventions on respiratory parameters and post operative pulmonary complications in patients subjected to abdominal surgery- A randomized controlled trial.
  4. Efficacy of nurse executed low intensity breathing based leg exercises on biochemical parameters, fatigue and health – Related quality of life among haemodialysis patients
  5. Efficacy of telenursing on medication adherence, adverse events, and biochemical parameters among children with early chronic kidney disease - Randomized controlled trial
  6. The Effect of using virtual reality during breast biopsy on pain & anxiety - Randomized trial

Enquirer Details